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Chao: 'This industry knows how to handle downturns'


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The defense industry might be too cautious to fully take advantage of the improving budget environment, according to Pierre Chao. Speaking at an Oct. 30 Professional Services Council conference, Chao, founding partner at Renaissance Strategic Advisors, said the industry may be too skeptical about the budget boost to prepare for it. "If you're having your foot on the brake all the way up because you're afraid about when it's going to turn... and you're not positioned for that upturn, you're going to leave a percentage of that growth on the table," he said. "This industry knows how to handle downturns," Chao continued. "Everybody knows how to cut costs ... and you could do that in your sleep. Ironically enough, I think we have harder issues on up-ramps in terms of capacity." He also said the Pentagon, which has been touting innovation, will have to clarify what it will give up for lower-cost products.
机译:Pierre Chao认为,国防工业可能过于谨慎,无法充分利用不断改善的预算环境。 Renaissance Strategic Advisors的创始合伙人Chao在10月30日的专业服务委员会会议上说,该行业可能对预算增加持怀疑态度,无法为此做准备。 “如果您因为担心何时会转弯而一直踩到刹车...而您没有准备好迎接那种转弯,那么您将留下一部分增长在桌上,”他说。 “这个行业知道如何应对低迷,” Chao继续说道。 “每个人都知道如何削减成本……您可以在睡眠中做到这一点。具有讽刺意味的是,我认为在产能方面,我们在提升坡度方面遇到了更困难的问题。”他还说,五角大楼一直在吹捧创新,就必须阐明它将放弃哪些低成本产品。



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