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Air Force Disagrees With Recommendation To Dissolve Reserve Command


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The Air Force released a report on March 4 that concurs at least partially with all but one recommendation put forth last year by the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force: the commission's call to disestablish Air Force Reserve Command. The one-star general officers who sit on the Air Force's internal Total Force Continuum (TF-C) panel told a small group of reporters this week they're confident Congress will concur with their insistence that Air Force Reserve Command remain intact. "Like many commission reports, Congress will look at them and they may act on them or not," Brig. Gen. Randall Ogden, director of plans and requirements for the Air Force Reserve, told reporters in a March 4 media briefing at the Pentagon. "The initial feedback we've gotten from staffers is that they think they'll be in agreement with us that disestablishment of the Air Force Reserve Command is not a way that we can become more efficient, more effective. It's probably just the opposite."
机译:空军在3月4日发布了一份报告,该报告至少部分与美国国家空军结构委员会去年提出的一项建议完全相同:委员会呼吁取消空军后备司令部。空军内部总部队连续体(TF-C)小组的一星将军本周对一小部分记者表示,他们相信国会将同意他们的坚持,即空军后备司令部保持完整。布里格说:“就像许多委员会的报告一样,国会会仔细研究它们,而他们可能会采取行动,也可能不会采取行动。”空军预备队的计划和要求主任兰德尔·奥格登(Randall Ogden)将军在3月4日于五角大楼举行的媒体吹风会上对记者说。 “我们从工作人员那里得到的最初反馈是,他们认为他们将与我们达成一致,即撤消空军后备司令部并不是我们变得更有效率,更有效的一种方式。这可能恰恰相反。 ”



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