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Prepare now to stay connected at the airport, on the plane, and in the hotel


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Your laptop may hold your precious data files, but if you can't stay connected to what's happening in the office while you're on the road, the information isn't worth the hard drive it's stored on. With the proper preparation and research, you can use every opportunity to connect with your business and stay productive, even if you aren't sitting at your desk. To capitalize on your laptop's portability, we'll: 1. Take advantage of free and low-cost high-speed wireless connections in many major airports around the country. 2. Discuss future in-flight availability of wireless internet on some international airlines and how to cope without it. 3. Prepare for accommodations that don't offer wireless capability so you aren't left with a standalone paperweight. 4. Reveal a possible alternative for those who just can't be without internet access at any time.
机译:您的笔记本电脑可能会保存您的宝贵数据文件,但是如果您在旅途中无法与办公室中发生的事情保持联系,那么信息就不值得存储在硬盘上。通过适当的准备和研究,即使您不坐在办公桌旁,您也可以利用一切机会与您的企业联系并保持生产力。为了充分利用笔记本电脑的便携性,我们将:1.在全国许多主要机场中利用免费和低成本的高速无线连接。 2.讨论一些国际航空公司将来在飞行中使用无线互联网的情况,以及如何应对这种情况。 3.准备不提供无线功能的住宿,这样就不会剩下一个独立的镇纸。 4.为无法随时访问互联网的人揭示一个可能的选择。



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