首页> 外文期刊>Inorganic materials: applied research >Effect of Porosity on Some Characteristics of Carbon-Carbon Composite with Coal Tar Pitch and Combined Coal Tar Pitch-Pyrocarbon Matrix

Effect of Porosity on Some Characteristics of Carbon-Carbon Composite with Coal Tar Pitch and Combined Coal Tar Pitch-Pyrocarbon Matrix

机译:孔隙率对煤 - 碳复合材料与煤焦油沥青和煤炭焦油沥青 - Pyrocarbon基质一些特征的影响

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The principles of changes in the structure, porosity, thermal conductivity, and strength of a two-dimensional reinforced carbon–carbon composite at different stages of the liquid-phase compaction by coal tar pitches with subsequent carbonization as well as the gas-phase pyrolytic compaction have been investigated. The analysis of effectiveness and the mechanism of the influence of various types of compaction on the properties of the material has been performed.
机译:用煤焦油间距在液相压实的不同阶段的结构,孔隙率,导热率和二维增强碳 - 碳复合材料的改变原理,随后的碳化以及气相热解压缩 已被调查。 已经进行了效果的分析和各种类型压实对材料性质的影响的机制。



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