首页> 外文期刊>INFORMS journal on computing >Complexity and Approximation Results for the Balance Optimization Subset Selection Model for Causal Inference in Observational Studies

Complexity and Approximation Results for the Balance Optimization Subset Selection Model for Causal Inference in Observational Studies


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Matching is widely used in the estimation of treatment effects in observational studies. However, the matching paradigm may be too restrictive in many cases because exact matches often do not exist in the available data. One mechanism for overcoming this issue is to relax the requirement of exact matching on some or all of the covariates (attributes that may affect the response to treatment) to a requirement of balance on the covariate distributions for the treatment and control groups. The balance optimization subset selection (BOSS) model can be used to identify a control group featuring optimal covariate balance. This paper explores the relationship between the matching and BOSS models and shows how BOSS subsumes matching. Complexity and approximation results are presented for the resulting models. Computational results demonstrate some of the important trade-offs between matching and BOSS.



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