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Vivisimo: ramping Up Velocity


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A year after Vivisimo, Inc. introduced Velocity Search Platform 6.0, the company is now back on track with Velocity 7.0, the latest version of its flagship enterprise search platform. This version of Velocity puts search control back into the hands of the users, according to Rebecca Thompson, vice president of marketing. "Users remain frustrated that they cannot find what they need inside their enterprise," she says. "One of the main reasons why I can't find data is the inability of the machine to know what I'm looking for," she says. That's one of the reasons Vivisimo added conceptual search. She cites a trio of components that makes this version stand out. Its discovery function lets "users access and explore the universe of content, even unstructured content, and how to make sense of it in new and novel ways." Its presentation provides "a better understanding of both explicit and implicit data that can be personalized according to the user," she says. Arid its collaboration keeps information in one interface that can be shared with the group through social tagging, book-marking, and more.
机译:Vivisimo,Inc.推出Velocity Search Platform 6.0一年后,该公司现在又回到了其旗舰企业搜索平台的最新版本Velocity 7.0的轨道上。市场营销副总裁丽贝卡·汤普森(Rebecca Thompson)表示,此版本的Velocity将搜索控制权交回用户手中。她说:“用户仍然为无法在企业内部找到所需的东西而感到沮丧。”她说:“我找不到数据的主要原因之一是机器无法知道我要寻找的内容。”这就是Vivisimo添加概念搜索的原因之一。她引用了使该版本脱颖而出的三个组件。它的发现功能使“用户可以访问和探索内容的范围,甚至是非结构化的内容,以及如何以新颖的方式来理解它”。她说,它的展示“可以更好地理解可以根据用户个性化的显式和隐式数据。”与其合作,将信息保存在一个界面中,可以通过社交标签,书签等与小组共享信息。



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