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Learned Metric Index - Proposition of learned indexing for unstructured data

机译:学习公制索引 - 非结构化数据学习索引的命题

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The main paradigm of similarity searching in metric spaces has remained mostly unchanged for decades - data objects are organized into a hierarchical structure according to their mutual distances, using representative pivots to reduce the number of distance computations needed to efficiently search the data. We propose an alternative to this paradigm, using machine learning models to replace pivots, thus posing similarity search as a classification problem, which stands in for numerous expensive distance computations. Even a relatively naive implementation of this idea is more than competitive with state-of-the-art methods in terms of speed and recall, proving the concept as viable and showing great potential for its future development. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在公制空间中搜索的主要范例仍然是数十年来的,数据对象根据其相互距离组织成分层结构,使用代表枢轴来减少有效搜索数据所需的距离计算的数量。 我们向该范例提出了替代方案,使用机器学习模型来替换枢轴,从而将相似性搜索作为分类问题,这代表了许多昂贵的距离计算。 即使是这种想法的相对朴素的实现也不仅仅是在速度和召回方面的最先进的方法竞争,证明了概念作为可行的概念,并为其未来发展呈现极大的潜力。 (c)2021 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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