首页> 外文期刊>Information systems journal >Applying relationship theories to web site design: development and validation of a site-communality scale

Applying relationship theories to web site design: development and validation of a site-communality scale


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Our study investigates whether relationship theories can be of help in designing web sites which foster greater customer loyalty. Based on literature reviews of Communal-Relationship Theory from Social Psychology, communality from marketing research and related concepts (e.g. commercial friendships), we develop and refine a multidimensional measure of 'site communality' using a sample of 305 participants. Each visited one among several real web sites chosen across three industries (i.e. banking, Pharmaceuticals and insurance). We define site communality as the extent to which web site content signals that a company's relationship with its customers goes beyond the formal, 'tit for tat' business dealings that are typically expected from purely commercial exchanges, and instead, more closely abide by the norms and behaviours evocative of friendships and/or family relations. Our results indicate that demonstration of caring, role spanning and authenticity/genuineness are its most important dimensions. Preliminary, findings also show that site communality is positively related to the benevolence dimension of online trust which is an important antecedent of loyalty. The practical implications of our study are discussed in the form of recommendations to help companies in designing web sites high in site communality.



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