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A Lag Effect of IT Investment on Firm Performance


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This article discusses the positive effects of IT investment on firm financial performance when a distinct range of characteristics is examined. The relationship between IT investment and firm performance considering the information intensity of the industry is explored using a distributed lag model. Findings indicate both a positive effect and a positive lag effect of IT investment. The effects of IT investment in the high information-intensive industry are significantly larger than in the low information-intensive industry. Furthermore, a lagged effect of IT investment is larger than an immediate effect, regardless of the information intensity of the industry. We conclude that firms in the high information-intensive industry need to be more cognizant of performance factors when investing in IT investment than in the low information-intensive industry. Moreover, it is necessary to consider the time lag between IT investment and firm performance.
机译:本文讨论了IT投资对公司财务绩效的积极影响,其中研究了一系列不同的特征。使用分布式滞后模型探索了考虑行业信息强度的IT投资与公司绩效之间的关系。调查结果表明,IT投资既有积极影响,也有积极滞后影响。 IT投资在高信息密集型行业中的影响要比在低信息密集型行业中的影响大得多。此外,无论行业的信息强度如何,IT投资的滞后效应都大于即时效应。我们得出的结论是,与信息密集型行业相比,信息密集型行业中的公司在投资IT投资时需要更加了解绩效因素。此外,有必要考虑IT投资与公司绩效之间的时间差。



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