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Integrated coastal zone management practices for Sundarbans, India


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Sundarban is the only tiger inhabited mangrove forest on the globe which is threatened by severe coastal erosion due to relative sea level rise. Effects of climate change events including increased atmospheric temperature, changes in rainfall patterns, drinking water scarcity, reduced agriculture productivity, declining fish catch, increased salinity and extreme weather events such as floods, cyclones and tidal surge, are likely to have profound adverse impacts on the estuarine biodiversity and livelihoods of inhabitants of the region. Tigers in Sundarbans stray into the neighbouring villages during low tide to prey upon cows and goats. Obviously, all these phenomenon leads to a daily survival battle for the inhabitants. To address these issues, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) practices are essential and is being implemented in Sagar Island and Gosaba Island of Sundarbans through ICZM project, funded by the World Bank. The alternative livelihood programme for coastal fishermen community of the Sundarbans Islands, income generation activities, encouraging salt tolerant paddy cultivation, establishment of rainwater harvesting system, construction of multipurpose cyclone shelters, and strengthening of the nylon fencing in Tiger Reserve Forest etc. are recommended for the sustainable development of the Sundarbans. An area specific approach or regional plan for Sundarbans is essential, as they have specific problems such as Tiger straying, seawater intrusion, erosion of embankments etc.
机译:Sundarban是世界上唯一的虎居住的红树林森林,由于相对海平面上升而受到严重沿海侵蚀的威胁。气候变化事件的影响,包括升高的大气温度,降雨模式的变化,饮用水稀缺,降低农业生产力,降低鱼类捕捞量,增加的盐度和极端天气事件,如洪水,旋风和潮汐涌,很可能会产生深远的不利影响该地区居民的河口生物多样性和生计。在潮汐期间,在阳光下,在阳光下的老虎流入邻近的村庄,以牺牲牛和山羊。显然,所有这些现象都会导致居民的日常生活。为解决这些问题,综合沿海地区管理(ICZM)实践至关重要,正在通过世界银行资助的ICZM项目在Sagar Island和Sundarbans的Gosaba岛上实施。建议替代渔民岛社区沿海渔民社区,鼓励耐盐稻草栽培,建立雨水收获系统,建设多用途旋风避难所的建设,以及在老虎储备林等加强尼龙围栏等。孙龙达人的可持续发展。一个特定的方法或孙尔巴斯的区域计划至关重要,因为他们有特定的问题,如虎迷路,海水入侵,堤防侵蚀等。



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