首页> 外文期刊>European environmental law review >Implementing the EU Communications and the EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management: A Study Developing a Model Series of Indicators to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Process in the East Riding of York

Implementing the EU Communications and the EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management: A Study Developing a Model Series of Indicators to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Process in the East Riding of York


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Though many of the EU's coastal zones face a variety of environmental threats, to date the EU has been slow in adopting specific legislation designed to tackle this pressing problem. Thankfully, the EU Communications on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) (2000 and 2007) advance a more prominent role for ICZM as a tool for environmental protection and sustainable development. As with any environmental tool, what is needed is a series of indicators for determining the effectiveness of ICZM. In 2002, further to powers delegated to local authorities under the Town and Country Planning Act (1990), East Riding of Yorkshire, UK launched their Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Plan to address management of the coastal zone from Flamborough Head to the Humber Estuary. Despite recommendations from the European Commission to incorporate provisions to monitor and evaluate the process and outcomes of ICZM initiatives, this receives little attention in the East Riding Plan; and the Action Plan, which should be reviewed annually, has remained unchanged since 2004. In order to address this issue, this article aims to develop a model series of measurable indicators to enable the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to practically monitor the effectiveness of their ICZM Plan in accordance with EU instruments concerning ICZM. It draws on international best practice, primary research, questionnaires and communication with key stakeholders and experts, to formulate a series of indicators which provide a transparent and clearly justified method of quantifying and qualifying the ICZM process. Nineteen indicators, each with clear objectives and targets, are split under the headings of the Eight Principles of ICZM put forward in the Communication from the European Commis- sion to the Council and the European Parliament on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (COM/00/547). The completed indicators provide valuable information and have the potential to feed directly into the ICZM Plan to overcome any inherent shortcomings. If used in conjunction with existing "state of the environment" indicators, this indicator set will facilitate the complete evaluation of ICZM, and will be ideally placed to ensure that ICZM implementation efforts have long-term sustainability under EU and UK law.
机译:尽管欧盟许多沿海地区都面临着各种环境威胁,但迄今为止,欧盟在通过旨在解决这一紧迫问题的具体立法方面进展缓慢。值得庆幸的是,欧盟沿海地区综合管理通信(ICZM)(2000年和2007年)推动了ICZM作为环境保护和可持续发展工具的更加突出的作用。与任何环境工具一样,需要一系列用于确定ICZM有效性的指标。 2002年,除了根据《城镇与乡村计划法》(1990年)授予地方当局的权力外,英国约克郡东区推出了其综合沿海区管理(ICZM)计划,以解决从弗兰伯勒头至亨伯的沿海区的管理问题。河口。尽管欧洲委员会建议纳入规定以监测和评估国际化学品安全管理倡议的进程和成果,但《东部骑兵计划》对此却鲜有关注。自2004年以来,应每年对其进行审查的《行动计划》一直保持不变。为了解决此问题,本文旨在制定一系列可衡量的指标模型,以使约克郡东骑马议会能够切实地监控其行动的有效性。根据有关ICZM的欧盟文件制定ICZM计划。它借鉴了国际最佳实践,基础研究,调查表以及与主要利益相关者和专家的沟通,以制定一系列指标,为量化和鉴定ICZM流程提供了透明,合理的方法。在欧洲委员会向理事会和欧洲议会关于沿海地区综合管理的来信(COM / 00/547)中,在ICZM八项原则的标题下划分了19个指标,每个指标都有明确的目的和目标。 )。完整的指标可提供有价值的信息,并有可能直接纳入ICZM计划,以克服任何固有的缺陷。如果与现有的“环境状况”指标结合使用,则该指标集将有助于对ICZM进行完整的评估,并且在理想情况下可以确保ICZM的实施工作具有欧盟和英国法律的长期可持续性。



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