
Fleecing the Young


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The good news, announced Barack Obama in his 2015 State of the Union address, is that America has climbed out of its economic quagmire. After peaking at 10 percent in October 2009, the official unemployment rate had retreated below levels obtaining at the commencement of the Great Recession. In early 2016 the rate hovers near a relatively comfortable 5 percent. If, however, you are a would-be worker aged sixteen to twenty-four, your chances of being unemployed are more than twice as great-indeed, greater than the worst chances experienced by the overall labor force during the height of the recession ("Monthly Youth" 2016). Nevertheless, young Americans may count themselves fortunate. The euro area confronted in summer 2015 an unemployment rate slightly north of 11 percent, and one in every four youth job seekers failed to secure employment ("Youth Employment Trends" 2015). Of course, aggregate figures hide strikingly different experiences across borders. Characteristically, young Germans do nicely compared to their European generational peers, experiencing 7.2 percent unemployment. The corresponding figure for France, though, is 23.7 percent and for Italy a sobering 40.9 percent. Greece is yet worse, where one out of every two young aspirants is stymied. Because everything in that country that can go wrong has gone wrong, its experience may be excused as anomalous, but Spanish young people also suffer disappointment at the same rate (Trading Economics n.d.). There, appropriately named indignados resort to milling around streets in protest and abandon mainstream political parties for equally feckless populist ones. They and their generational peers across the continent are protesting a future that as far as they can see is without promise. At an age when young men and women are biologically and culturally primed to take on adult responsibilities, they find themselves stuck in an extended childhood. From Madrid to Athens and points in between, young people languish.
机译:巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在2015年国情咨文中宣布的好消息是,美国已经摆脱了经济困境。在2009年10月达到10%的峰值之后,官方失业率已降至大萧条开始时的水平以下。在2016年初,这一比率徘徊在相对舒适的5%左右。但是,如果您是一名年龄在16岁至24岁之间的工人,那么您失业的机会的确是真正的机会的两倍,这比整个经济衰退期间整体劳动力经历的最糟糕的机会要大( 《青年月刊》 2016年)。尽管如此,年轻的美国人可能算是幸运的。欧元区在2015年夏季面临的失业率略高于11%,而每四名青年求职者中就有一人未能获得就业(《青年就业趋势》,2015年)。当然,总体数字掩盖了跨越边界的截然不同的经历。与欧洲同龄人相比,德国年轻人表现出色,失业率为7.2%。但是,法国的相应数字是23.7%,意大利的数字是令人震惊的40.9%。希腊情况更糟,每两个年轻人中就有一个受到阻碍。由于该国一切可能出错的地方都出了问题,因此其经历可能被认为是反常现象,但西班牙年轻人也同样遭受失望(Trading Economics n.d.)。在那儿,适当命名的印第安纳多人诉诸街头抗议,并为同样精明的民粹主义者放弃主流政党。他们和整个非洲大陆的同辈都在抗议一个未来,就他们所见,这是毫无希望的。在年轻的男性和女性在生理上和文化上准备担负起成人责任的时代,他们发现自己陷入了漫长的童年时代。从马德里到雅典以及介于两者之间的人群,年轻人都很沮丧。



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