首页> 外文期刊>Immunogenetics >Potential regulatory sequences in the untranslated regions of the baboon MHC class Ib gene, Paan-AG, more closely resemble those in the human MHC class Ia genes than those in the class Ib gene, HLA-G

Potential regulatory sequences in the untranslated regions of the baboon MHC class Ib gene, Paan-AG, more closely resemble those in the human MHC class Ia genes than those in the class Ib gene, HLA-G

机译:狒狒MHC Ib类基因Paan-AG的非翻译区中的潜在调控序列比人MHC Ia类基因中的潜在调控序列更类似于Ib类HLA-G基因中的潜在调控序列。

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The baboon major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ib gene, Paan-AG, is structurally similar to the human MHC class Ia gene, HLA-A, but exhibits characteristics similar to those of the class Ib gene HLA-G. These include limited polymorphism, alternative splicing of a single message, and restricted tissue distribution, with high expression in the placenta. In order to determine whether regulatory elements controlling expression of Paan-AG resemble those of HLA-A or HLA-G, we cloned the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions of Paan-AG. Unexpectedly, sequence comparisons showed that potential regulatory elements in Paan-AG strikingly resembled those in HLA-A and differed in major respects from those in HLA-G. Unlike HLA-G, Paan-AG contained an intact interferon-γ stimulated response element (ISRE) in the promoter. Studies using luciferase reporter assays showed that the Paan-AG ISRE was functional. The basal activity of the Paan-AG ISRE and its response to interferon-γ was similar to that of class Ia MHC genes. Further, we identified an ISRE in the 3′ untranslated region of Paan-AG that is known to be functional in HLA-A2 but is deleted in HLA-G. These experiments predict that functional studies may demonstrate differences in regulation of expression of Paan-AG and HLA-G genes, which could restrict the use of the baboon as a primate model for studying HLA-G expression and function.
机译:狒狒主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)Ib类基因Paan-AG在结构上与人类MHC Ia类基因HLA-A类似,但具有与Ib类HLA-G基因相似的特征。这些包括有限的多态性,单个信息的可变剪接和有限的组织分布,在胎盘中高表达。为了确定控制Paan-AG表达的调控元件是否类似于HLA-A或HLA-G,我们克隆了Paan-AG的5'和3'非翻译区。出乎意料的是,序列比较显示,Paan-AG中潜在的调控元件与HLA-A中的调控元件惊人地相似,并且在主要方面与HLA-G中的调控元件不同。与HLA-G不同,Paan-AG在启动子中包含完整的干扰素-γ刺激反应元件(ISRE)。使用萤光素酶报告基因检测的研究表明,Paan-AG ISRE具有功能。 Paan-AG ISRE的基础活性及其对干扰素-γ的反应与Ia类MHC基因相似。此外,我们在Paan-AG的3'非翻译区中鉴定了ISRE,该ISRE在HLA-A2中起作用,但在HLA-G中被删除。这些实验预测,功能研究可能会证明Paan-AG和HLA-G基因表达调控的差异,这可能会限制狒狒用作研究HLA-G表达和功能的灵长类动物模型的用途。



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