首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >Analysis of Path Delay Fault Testability for Two-Rail Logic Circuits

Analysis of Path Delay Fault Testability for Two-Rail Logic Circuits


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The importance of redundant technologies for improving dependability and delay fault testability are growing. This paper presents properties of a class of redundant technologies, namely two-rail logic, and analyzes testability of path delay faults occurring on two-rail logic circuits. The paper reveals the following characteristics of two-rail logic circuits: While the number of paths in two-rail logic circuits is twice that in ordinary single-rail logic circuits, the number of robust testable path delay faults in two-rail logic circuits is twice or more that in the single-rail logic circuits. This suggests two-rail logic circuits are more testable than ordinary single-rail logic circuits. On two-rail logic circuits, there may be some robust testable path delay faults that are functional un-sensitizable for any input vectors consisting of codewords of two-rail codes, i.e. for any input vectors that can occur during fault-free operation. Even if such faults occur, the circuits are still strongly fault secure for unidirectional stuck-at faults as well as they work correctly.



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