首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics >Physically-based stochastic simplification of mathematical knots

Physically-based stochastic simplification of mathematical knots


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The article describes a tool for simplification and analysis of tangled configurations of mathematical knots. The proposed method addresses optimization issues common in energy based approaches to knot classification. In this class of methods, an initially tangled elastic rope is "charged" with an electrostatic like field which causes it to self repel, prompting it to evolve into a mechanically stable configuration. This configuration is believed to be characteristic for its knot type. We propose a physically based model to implicitly guard against isotopy violation during such evolution and suggest that a robust stochastic optimization procedure, simulated annealing, be used for the purpose of identifying the globally optimal solution. Because neither of these techniques depends on the properties of the energy function being optimized, our method is of general applicability, even though we applied it to a specific potential here. The method has successfully analyzed several complex tangles and is applicable to simplifying a large class of knots and links. Our work also shows that energy based techniques will not necessarily terminate in a unique configuration, thus we empirically refute a prior conjecture that one of the commonly used energy functions (J. Simon, 1994) is unimodal. Based on these results we also compare techniques that rely on geometric energy optimization to conventional algebraic methods with regards to their classification power.
机译:本文介绍了一种用于简化和分析数学结纠结配置的工具。所提出的方法解决了基于能量的结分类方法中常见的优化问题。在此类方法中,最初缠结的弹性绳会像静电场一样“充电”,这会使它自我排斥,促使其演变成机械稳定的形态。据信这种构造是其打结类型的特征。我们提出了一个基于物理的模型来隐式地防止这种演化过程中的同位素违规,并建议使用一种可靠的随机优化程序(模拟退火)来确定全局最优解。因为这两种技术都不依赖于要优化的能量函数的属性,所以即使在此处将其应用于特定电位,我们的方法也具有普遍适用性。该方法已成功分析了多个复杂的缠结,适用于简化一大类结和链接。我们的工作还表明,基于能量的技术不一定会以独特的结构终止,因此,我们凭经验驳斥了一个普遍的推测,即常用的能量函数之一(J. Simon,1994)是单峰的。基于这些结果,我们还比较了依赖几何能量优化的技术与常规代数方法的分类能力。



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