首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics >Screenit: Visual Analysis of Cellular Screens

Screenit: Visual Analysis of Cellular Screens


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High-throughput and high-content screening enables large scale, cost-effective experiments in which cell cultures are exposed to a wide spectrum of drugs. The resulting multivariate data sets have a large but shallow hierarchical structure. The deepest level of this structure describes cells in terms of numeric features that are derived from image data. The subsequent level describes enveloping cell cultures in terms of imposed experiment conditions (exposure to drugs). We present Screenit, a visual analysis approach designed in close collaboration with screening experts. Screenit enables the navigation and analysis of multivariate data at multiple hierarchy levels and at multiple levels of detail. Screenit integrates the interactive modeling of cell physical states (phenotypes) and the effects of drugs on cell cultures (hits). In addition, quality control is enabled via the detection of anomalies that indicate low-quality data, while providing an interface that is designed to match workflows of screening experts. We demonstrate analyses for a real-world data set, CellMorph, with 6 million cells across 20,000 cell cultures.
机译:高通量和高含量的筛选可进行大规模,经济高效的实验,使细胞培养物接触多种药物。所得的多元数据集具有较大但较浅的层次结构。此结构的最深层用从图像数据派生的数字特征来描述单元。后续级别按照施加的实验条件(暴露于药物)描述了包封细胞培养。我们介绍了Screenit,这是一种与筛查专家紧密合作设计的视觉分析方法。 Screenit可以在多个层次结构级别和多个详细信息级别导航和分析多元数据。 Screenit集成了细胞物理状态(表型)和药物对细胞培养物(命中)的影响的交互式建模。此外,还可以通过检测指示低质量数据的异常来启用质量控制,同时提供旨在匹配筛选专家工作流程的界面。我们演示了对真实数据集CellMorph的分析,该数据集包含20,000种细胞培养物中的600万个细胞。



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