
Bubble sizing with high spatial resolution


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The authors propose a technique that allows them to size bubbles with the same accuracy as with the double-frequency method and to locate them with the same range resolution as with the pulsed Doppler velocimeter. They demonstrate that the signal scattered by the bubble insonified by a high-frequency pulsed ultrasonic field and a low-frequency pumping field is a low-frequency signal sampled at the repetition frequency rate and in which the amplitude is maximum when the bubble resonates. However using a conventional Doppler flowmeter, the maximum amplitude is not detectable when the repetition frequency is a multiple of the pump frequency. The modifications of the signal processing needed to overcome this drawback are discussed and implemented in the conventional Doppler flowmeter. Using this modified setup the lateral and the longitudinal range resolution are the same as in conventional Doppler flowmeters. The resonance frequency thus obtained is also compared to the resonance frequency measured by the double Doppler frequency method. Some practical improvements are proposed to make the system easy to use. Using this latest version, the resonant requencies for ten different bubble sizes are measured and compared. The case in which the nonlinearity effect (due to a bubble at resonance) generates out-of-phase upper and lower sidebands is discussed, and it is demonstrated that this effect is so feeble that it is negligible.



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