首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control >A rapid signal processing technique to remove the effect of dispersion from guided wave signals

A rapid signal processing technique to remove the effect of dispersion from guided wave signals


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Guided acoustic and ultrasonic waves have been utilized in various manners for non-destructive evaluation and testing. If a guided wave mode is dispersive, a pulse of energy will spread out in space and time as it propagates. For a long-range guided wave inspection application, this constrains the choice of operating point to regions on the dispersion curves where dispersion effects are small. A signal processing technique is presented that enables this constraint on operating point to be relaxed. The technique makes use of a priori knowledge of the dispersion characteristics of a guided wave mode to map signals from the time to distance domains. In the mapping process, dispersed signals are compressed to their original shape. The theoretical basis of the technique is described and an efficient numerical implementation is presented. The robustness of the technique to inaccuracies in the dispersion data is also addressed. The application of the technique to experimental data is shown and the resulting improvement in spatial resolution is demonstrated. The implications of using dispersion compensation in practical systems are briefly discussed.



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