首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control >Paraelectric thin films by nanoscale engineering of epitaxy and planar anisotropy for microwave phase shifter applications

Paraelectric thin films by nanoscale engineering of epitaxy and planar anisotropy for microwave phase shifter applications


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Epitaxial and lang110rang oriented paraelectric thin films of Ba0.60Sr0.40TiO3 were grown on lang100rang oriented NdGaO3 orthorhombic substrates, and the nonlinear dielectric properties were studied at 10 GHz along selected in-plane crystallographic directions in the film thickness range of 25-1200 nm. The measured dielectric properties show strong residual strain and in-plane directional dependence. For instance, the in-plane relative permittivity is found to vary from as much as 500 to 150 along [1macr10] and [001], respectively, in the 600 nm film. Tunability was found to vary from as much as 54% to 20% in all films and directions. In a given film, the best tunability is observed along the compressed axis in a mixed strain state, 54% along [1macr10] in the 600 nm film. It is shown that, by nanoscale manipulation of epitaxy and planar anisotropy, the return loss and phase shift in a paraelectric can be tuned over a rather wide range. The approach presented herein opens avenues for obtaining various degrees of phase shift on the same film, enabling one with an additional degree of freedom in device design and fabrication as well as multifunctionality
机译:在lang100rang取向的NdGaO3正交晶衬底上生长Ba0.60Sr0.40TiO3的外延和lang110rang取向的顺电薄膜,并在10 GHz下沿选定的平面结晶方向在25-1200 nm的膜厚范围内研究了非线性介电性能。测得的介电性能表现出很强的残余应变和面内方向依赖性。例如,发现在600 nm薄膜中,面内相对介电常数分别沿着[1macr10]和[001]在500到150之间变化。发现在所有胶片和方向上的可调谐性从54%到20%不等。在给定的膜中,在混合应变状态下沿压缩轴观察到最佳可调谐性,在600 nm膜中沿[1macr10]观察到54%。结果表明,通过外延和平面各向异性的纳米尺度操纵,顺电中的回波损耗和相移可在相当宽的范围内调节。本文介绍的方法为在同一膜上获得各种程度的相移开辟了途径,使一种器件在设计和制造以及多功能性方面具有额外的自由度



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