首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control >Characterization of dissipation factors in terms of piezoelectric equivalent circuit parameters

Characterization of dissipation factors in terms of piezoelectric equivalent circuit parameters


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The equivalent circuit of a piezoelectric ceramic is established composed of the equivalent circuit parameters derived from the complex materials coefficients. The equivalent circuit parameters are connected to real and imaginary parts of the complex materials coefficients of the piezoelectric ceramics. With respect to the definition of dissipation factors, the dielectric, elastic, and piezoelectric dissipation factors which represent the losses in the materials are thus expressed through the equivalent circuit parameters. In temperature and stress experiments, by measuring the equivalent circuit parameters during the process of the temperature and stress changes, three dissipation factors are computed. Compared with the results of other previous research, a similar increase of the elastic dissipation factor with stress is observed. Moreover, it is also found that the elastic dissipation factor reaches its saturation over a stress level of about 10 MPa. The responses of dissipation factors in lower temperature (-30degC to 20degC) are studied
机译:建立压电陶瓷的等效电路,该等效电路由从复合材料系数得出的等效电路参数组成。等效电路参数连接到压电陶瓷复合材料系数的实部和虚部。关于耗散因数的定义,表示材料损耗的介电,弹性和压电耗散因数通过等效电路参数表示。在温度和应力实验中,通过测量温度和应力变化过程中的等效电路参数,可以计算出三个耗散因子。与其他先前研究的结果相比,观察到弹性耗散因数随应力的增加。此外,还发现弹性耗散因数在约10 MPa的应力水平下达到饱和。研究了在较低温度(-30℃至20℃)下耗散因子的响应



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