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People, proxemics, and possibilities for technical writing


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It is argued that, because markets are becoming increasingly global, international readers who are familiar with English and comfortable with the standard ratio of equal parts of white space and text must be distinguished from domestic readers whose international exposure may be limited and whose requirements can be better addressed by creating a document which conforms to their cultural perceptions of space. Anthropologists have shown that perceptions about space and man's relationship to it vary from culture to culture and consequently it is dangerous to make assumptions about a local audience based on experience with international audiences. Edward Hall's work on proxemics (1969), the perceptions concerning spatial relationships, and examples of technical document designs in England, Japan, and the Middle East are discussed.
机译:有人认为,由于市场日益全球化,因此必须将熟悉英语且对空白和文本等分的标准比例感到满意的国际读者与国内读者区别开来,后者的国际影响可能是有限的,其要求可能是通过创建符合他们对空间的文化观念的文件,可以更好地解决这一问题。人类学家已经表明,对于空间及其与人的关系的理解因文化而异,因此根据国际受众的经验对本地受众进行假设是危险的。讨论了爱德华·霍尔(Edward Hall)关于代理词的著作(1969),关于空间关系的看法以及英格兰,日本和中东的技术文档设计示例。



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