首页> 外文期刊>Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >Hybrid Three-Level and Half-Bridge DC–DC Converter With Reduced Circulating Loss and Output Filter Inductance

Hybrid Three-Level and Half-Bridge DC–DC Converter With Reduced Circulating Loss and Output Filter Inductance


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A hybrid three-level (TL) and half-bridge (HB) dc–dc converter is proposed in this paper. The TL dc–dc converter and HB converter have their own transformers, respectively. Compared with conventional TL dc–dc converters, the proposed one has no additional switch at the primary side of the transformer, where the TL converter shares the lagging switches with the HB converter. In order to reduce the circulating current in the primary side, a blocking capacitor is used to reset the primary winding current of the TL converter. Moreover, the rectifier stage is composed of four diodes in the center-tap rectification, forcing the circulating current at the primary side to stay zero during the freewheeling period. The magnetizing inductor of the HB transformer can extend the zero voltage switching operation range of the lagging switches even at light loads. Furthermore, the proposed converter can reduce the output filter inductance. Due to the advantages mentioned above, the efficiency of the converter is improved dramatically. The features and design guidelines of the proposed converter are given in the paper. Finally, the performance of the converter is verified by a 1-kW experimental prototype.
机译:本文提出了一种混合式三电平(TL)和半桥(HB)dc-dc转换器。 TL dc-dc转换器和HB转换器分别具有自己的变压器。与传统的TL dc-dc转换器相比,拟议的TL dc-dc转换器在变压器的初级侧没有额外的开关,其中TL转换器与HB转换器共享滞后开关。为了减少初级侧的循环电流,使用了一个隔离电容器来复位TL转换器的初级绕组电流。此外,整流器级在中心抽头整流中由四个二极管组成,从而在续流期间迫使初级侧的循环电流保持为零。 HB变压器的励磁电感器即使在轻负载下也可以扩展滞后开关的零电压开关操作范围。此外,提出的转换器可以减小输出滤波器的电感。由于上述优点,转换器的效率大大提高。本文给出了拟议转换器的功能和设计指南。最后,通过1kW的实验原型验证了转换器的性能。



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