首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics >Improved Nearest-Level Modulation for a Modular Multilevel Converter With a Lower Submodule Number

Improved Nearest-Level Modulation for a Modular Multilevel Converter With a Lower Submodule Number


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This letter proposes an improved nearest-level modulation (NLM) method to enhance the quality of output voltage of a modular multilevel converter (MMC) with the low amount of submodules, as well as restrain the voltage fluctuation of the submodules. By adding a small offset, which is alternating at the double fundamental frequency to the reference signals, a small phase shift of the step-changing moment between upper and lower arms’ voltage emerges. As a result, an odd-level difference between the output voltage of lower arm and that of upper arm occurs, which can increase the level number of output voltage from to , where is the number of submodules per arm. With the proposed method, the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output voltage is mitigated without increasing the switching frequency of IGBTs or changing the average voltage of submodules’ capacitor. In addition, within a special range of power factor angle, the circulating current can be reduced by choosing the proper phase between the fundamental and the double fundamental frequency. Simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness and validity of the proposed NLM scheme.



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