首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on >Application of the Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) Technique to Subcritical Reactivity Worth Measurements in Thermal and Fast Reactor Systems

Application of the Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) Technique to Subcritical Reactivity Worth Measurements in Thermal and Fast Reactor Systems


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The Amplified Source Multiplication (ASM) method and its improved Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) method have been widely used in the CEA's EOLE and MASURCA critical facilities over the past decades for the determination of reactivity worths by using fission chambers in subcritical configurations. The ASM methodology uses relatively simple relationships between count rates of efficient miniature fission chambers located in slightly subcritical reference and perturbed configurations. While this method works quite well for small reactivity variations, the raw results need to be corrected to take into account the flux perturbation at the fission chamber location. This is performed by applying to the measurement a correction factor called MSM. This paper describes in detail both methodologies, with their associated uncertainties. Applications on absorber cluster worth in the MISTRAL-4 full MOX mock-up core and the last core loaded in MASURCA show the importance of the MSM correction on raw ASM data.
机译:在过去的几十年中,通过使用亚临界构造的裂变室,CEA的EOLE和MASURCA关键设施中广泛使用了放大源乘法(ASM)方法及其改进的修改后的源乘法(MSM)方法。 ASM方法使用位于次临界以下的有效微型裂变室的计数率与扰动配置之间的相对简单关系。尽管此方法对于较小的反应性变化非常有效,但需要校正原始结果,以考虑裂变室位置处的通量扰动。这是通过将称为MSM的校正因子应用于测量来执行的。本文详细介绍了这两种方法及其相关的不确定性。 MISTRAL-4完整MOX模拟核以及MASURCA中装载的最后一个核的吸收体簇上的应用表明了对原始ASM数据进行MSM校正的重要性。



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