首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques >An Efficient Full-Wave Simulation Algorithm for Multiple Vertical Conductors in Printed Circuits

An Efficient Full-Wave Simulation Algorithm for Multiple Vertical Conductors in Printed Circuits


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An efficient and rigorous numerical method, based on the spatial-domain method of moments (MoM) in conjunction with the closed-form Green''s functions, is devised for the analysis of multiple vertical conductors in printed circuits. As this combination has already proven to be very efficient for the analysis of printed structures with horizontal and vertical conductors, it is extended to efficiently handle multiple vertical conductors. Some circuits with multiple vertical strips are analyzed using the proposed method, and results are compared either to those presented in the literature or to those obtained from the commercial software em by SONNET Software, North Syracuse, NY. Computational efficiency of the algorithm is assessed in terms of CPU time, and it is observed that the computational cost of the proposed algorithm is an order of magnitude less than that of the straightforward implementation of the underlaying method of the algorithm—the spatial-domain MOM using closed-form Green''s functions.
机译:基于矩量的空间域方法(MoM)和闭合形式的格林函数,设计了一种有效而严格的数值方法,用于分析印刷电路中的多个垂直导体。由于已经证明这种组合对于分析具有水平和垂直导体的印刷结构非常有效,因此可以扩展为有效处理多个垂直导体。使用提出的方法对一些具有多个垂直条的电路进行了分析,并将结果与​​文献中提供的结果或与纽约北锡拉丘兹市SONNET Software从商业软件em获得的结果进行了比较。该算法的计算效率是根据CPU时间进行评估的,并且可以看出,该算法的计算成本比该算法的底层方法(空间域MOM)的直接实现要低一个数量级。使用封闭式格林函数。



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