首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Information Theory >Multipartite Entangled States, Symmetric Matrices, and Error-Correcting Codes

Multipartite Entangled States, Symmetric Matrices, and Error-Correcting Codes


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A pure quantum state is called -uniform if all its reductions to -qudit are maximally mixed. We investigate the general constructions of -uniform pure quantum states of subsystems with levels. We provide one construction via symmetric matrices and the second one through the classical error-correcting codes. There are three main results arising from our constructions. First, we show that for any given even , there always exists an -uniform -qudit quantum state of level for sufficiently large prime . Second, both constructions show that there exist -uniform -qudit pure quantum states such that is proportional to , i.e., although the construction from symmetric matrices in general outperforms the one by error-correcting codes. Third, our symmetric matrix construction provides a positive answer to the open question on whether there exists a 3-uniform -qudit pure quantum state for all . In fact, we can further prove that, for every , there exists a constant such that there exists a -uniform -qudit quantum state for all . In addition, by using the concatenation of algebraic geometry codes, we give an explicit construction of -uniform quantum state when tends to infinity.



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