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A Review of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Research During the Last Decade


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This survey makes a review of the most recent applications and trends on fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) over the past decade. FCMs are inference networks, using cyclic digraphs, for knowledge representation and reasoning. Over the past decade, FCMs have gained considerable research interest and are widely used to analyze causal complex systems, which have originated from the combination of fuzzy logic and neural networks. FCMs have been applied in diverse application domains, such as computer science, engineering, environmental sciences, behavioral sciences, medicine, business, information systems, and information technology. Their dynamic characteristics and learning capabilities make them essential for a number of tasks such as modeling, analysis, decision making, forecast, etc. Overall, this paper summarizes the current state of knowledge of the topic of FCMs. It creates an understanding of the topic for the reader by discussing the findings presented in recent research papers. A survey on FCM studies concentrated on FCM applications on diverse scientific areas, where the FCMs emerged with a high degree of applicability, has also been done during the past ten years.
机译:该调查回顾了过去十年中模糊认知图(FCM)的最新应用和趋势。 FCM是使用循环图的推理网络,用于知识表示和推理。在过去的十年中,FCM引起了广泛的研究兴趣,并被广泛用于分析因果复杂系统,这些系统是由模糊逻辑和神经网络相结合而产生的。 FCM已应用于各种应用领域,例如计算机科学,工程学,环境科学,行为科学,医学,商业,信息系统和信息技术。它们的动态特性和学习能力使它们成为许多任务(如建模,分析,决策,预测等)必不可少的工具。总体而言,本文总结了有关FCM主题的当前知识状态。通过讨论最近研究论文中的发现,它为读者提供了对主题的理解。在过去的十年中,还进行了一项有关FCM研究的调查,该调查集中于FCM在不同科学领域中的应用,这些领域以高度适用性出现。



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