首页> 外文期刊>Systems Journal, IEEE >Machine-Learning Aided Optimal Customer Decisions for an Interactive Smart Grid

Machine-Learning Aided Optimal Customer Decisions for an Interactive Smart Grid


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In this paper, a hierarchical smart grid architecture is presented. The concept of smart home is extended in two aspects: 1) from traditional households with smart devices, such as advanced metering infrastructure, to intelligent entities with instantaneous and distributive decision-making capabilities; and 2) from individual households to general customer units of possibly large scales. We then develop a hidden mode Markov decision process (HM-MDP) model for a customer real-time decision-making problem. This real-time decision-making framework can effectively be integrated with demand response schemes, which are prediction based and therefore inevitably lead to real-time power-load mismatches. With the Baum–Welch algorithm adopted to learn the nonstationary dynamics of the environment, we propose a value iteration (VI)-based exact solution algorithm for the HM-MDP problem. Unlike conventional VI, the concept of parsimonious sets is used to enable a finite representation of the optimal value function. Instead of iterating the value function in each time step, we iterate the representational parsimonious sets by using the incremental pruning algorithm. Although this exact algorithm leads to optimal policies giving maximum rewards for the smart homes, its complexity suffers from the curse of dimensionality. To obtain a low-complexity real-time algorithm that allows adaptively incorporating new observations as the environment changes, we resort to Q-learning-based approximate dynamic programming. Q-learning offers more flexibility in practice because it does not require specific starting and ending points of the scheduling period. Performance analysis of both exact and approximate algorithms, as compared with the other possible alternative decision-making strategies, is presented in simulation results.
机译:在本文中,提出了一种分层的智能电网架构。智能家居的概念从两个方面进行了扩展:1)从具有智能设备(例如高级计量基础设施)的传统家庭,扩展到具有即时和分布式决策能力的智能实体; 2)从单个家庭到可能规模较大的一般客户单位。然后,我们针对客户实时决策问题开发隐藏模式马尔可夫决策过程(HM-MDP)模型。这种实时决策框架可以有效地与基于预测的需求响应方案相集成,因此不可避免地会导致实时功率负载不匹配。通过采用Baum-Welch算法来学习环境的非平稳动力学,我们针对HM-MDP问题提出了一种基于值迭代(VI)的精确求解算法。与常规VI不同,简约集的概念用于实现最优值函数的有限表示。代替在每个时间步长迭代值函数,我们通过使用增量修剪算法来迭代表示简约集。尽管此精确算法导致最优策略为智能家居提供最大回报,但其复杂性却受到维度诅咒的困扰。为了获得一种低复杂度的实时算法,该算法允许随着环境的变化而自适应地合并新的观测值,我们诉诸于基于Q学习的近似动态规划。 Q学习在实践中提供了更大的灵活性,因为它不需要调度周期的特定起点和终点。仿真结果显示了精确算法和近似算法的性能分析,以及其他可能的替代决策策略。



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