首页> 外文期刊>Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of >Yb:YAG Kinetics Model Including Saturation and Power Conservation

Yb:YAG Kinetics Model Including Saturation and Power Conservation


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We develop a detailed kinetics model for Yb:YAG operating at any temperature and derive expressions for the heat, fluorescence, and lasing power densities and fractions, using a theoretical framework that includes conservation of ions (and power), saturation of the laser and pump beams, and a description of Boltzmann heating and cooling in the upper laser manifold. In addition, we introduce an equation that allows the fluorescence and lasing fractions and power densities to be easily calculated for any value of the extraction efficiency. The model is applied to Yb:YAG lasers operating at 295 and 77 K. We find that the heat fractions at room temperature for no lasing and for complete laser saturation are significantly less than those previously reported, while at 77 K the heat fractions are larger than at room temperature and close to previously reported values. We show, for the first time to our knowledge, that the heat fraction is not constant but varies significantly in the radial direction, leading to a radially dependent phase distortion.
机译:我们使用包括离子守恒(和功率),激光和泵浦饱和的理论框架,为在任何温度下工作的Yb:YAG开发了详细的动力学模型,并导出了热量,荧光以及激光功率密度和分数的表达式。光束,以及上激光歧管中玻尔兹曼加热和冷却的描述。此外,我们引入了一个方程,可以轻松地针对任何提取效率值来计算荧光和激光分数和功率密度。该模型适用于在295和77 K下运行的Yb:YAG激光器。我们发现,在室温下无激射和完全激光饱和的热分数显着小于先前报道的热量,而在77 K时,热分数较大而不是在室温下并接近先前报告的值。我们首次了解到,热量分数不是恒定的,而是在径向方向上显着变化,从而导致径向相关的相位失真。



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