首页> 外文期刊>Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE >Computer-aided instruction in digital-circuit design using personal computers

Computer-aided instruction in digital-circuit design using personal computers


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The wide-spread availability of personal computer systems in the student's academic and home environments led us to design a project that would evaluate the feasibility of computer-aided instruction (CAI) on these systems. We selected the topic of Boolean expression minimization with Karnaugh maps for the project because it is a topic that can easily be broken into lessons and because the concept of minterm coverings seemed to be a natural use of color graphics. This article will describe the system configuration we used and the techniques that we employed to reach certain educational goals. Specifically, these goals include stimulating the student's interest, conveying the subject matter, reinforcing correct understanding, and addressing incorrect understanding. Examples will illustrate the multiple paths possible through the courseware. Finally, an evaluation is made with a view toward future directions for CAI on personal computers.



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