首页> 外文期刊>ICES Journal of Marine Science >Thermographic cameras reveal high levels of crepuscular and nocturnal shore-based recreational fishing effort in an Australian estuary

Thermographic cameras reveal high levels of crepuscular and nocturnal shore-based recreational fishing effort in an Australian estuary


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Although recreational fishing at night is a popular activity, crepuscular and nocturnal fishing effort and catches are often unaccounted for in fisheries assessments. Here, we present a method for estimating 24-h shore-based recreational fishing effort involving the analysis of data from dual-lens thermographic cameras. Cameras were installed at three sites along the foreshore in Peel-Harvey Estuary, a Ramsar Wetland in Western Australia. Stratified random sampling was used to select days for image analysis between March 2015 and February 2016 and examination of images enabled fishing effort to be calculated for the 12-month period. Crepuscular recreational fishing effort at the three sites ranged between 4.5% and 11.3% and nocturnal recreational fishing effort ranged between 6.1% and 26.9% of total recreational fishing effort. Crepuscular and nocturnal recreational fishing were more prevalent between November and March and occurred on both weekdays and weekend days. The majority of recreational fishers identified from the day-time images (96.5%) were targeting blue swimmer crabs (Portunus armatus) using scoop nets. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that most crepuscular and nocturnal activity involved the same method of fishing. The results demonstrate that restricting onsite recreational fishing surveys to daylight hours can lead to large underestimates of total fishing effort and total recreational catches within a fishery. Our method can easily be applied to other fisheries to justify the inclusion of night-time onsite sampling and to design cost-effective sampling strategies.
机译:尽管夜间休闲垂钓是一种流行的活动,但是在渔业评估中却往往没有进行夜间和夜间垂钓工作和渔获量。在这里,我们介绍了一种估计24小时基于岸边的休闲捕鱼活动的方法,其中涉及对来自双镜头热像仪的数据进行分析。照相机安装在西澳大利亚州拉姆萨尔湿地Peel-Harvey河口沿岸的三个地点。使用分层随机抽样来选择2015年3月至2016年2月之间进行图像分析的天数,并对图像进行检查可以计算12个月的捕捞努力量。在这三个地点的夜间休闲钓鱼活动的范围在总休闲钓鱼活动的4.5%至11.3%之间,而夜间休闲钓鱼活动的范围在总休闲钓鱼活动的6.1%至26.9%之间。夜间和夜间休闲钓鱼在11月和3月之间更为普遍,并且发生在工作日和周末。从白天的图像中识别出的大部分休闲渔民(96.5%)都使用瓢网瞄准了蓝色游泳蟹(Portunus armatus)。多方面的证据表明,大多数晚上和夜间活动都涉及相同的捕鱼方法。结果表明,将娱乐休闲捕鱼调查的时间限制在白天,可能会大大低估渔业中的总体捕捞努力和休闲总捕捞量。我们的方法可以轻松地应用于其他渔业,以证明包括夜间现场采样并设计具有成本效益的采样策略。



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