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Developing and refining a joint management procedure for the multispecies South African pelagic fishery


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Pilchard (sardine) and anchovy are the main targets of South Africa's pelagic fishery. This fishery is the country's second most valuable in monetary terms, and produces the highest annual yield in terms of landed mass (in recent years, a combined catch of the order of 400 000 t). It is the most dynamic of South Africa's main commercial fisheries, because the species targeted are relatively short-lived, often occur in mixed shoals, and experience large fluctuations in abundance. Mixed shoaling causes operational problems for the fishery, because of the inevitability of juvenile pilchard bycatch (of more value as adults for canning) in the anchovy-directed fishery. This operational interaction implies a trade-off between allowable catches for the two species, and hence necessitates that they are managed together. The development of a joint "management procedure" (sensu IWC) for the two species is described. This provides a framework for quantifying this trade-off, subject to the constraint that acceptable levels of risk of "collapse" are not exceeded for either resource. Important new features incorporated in a revision of the procedure implemented in 2002, which have made appreciably enhanced catches from the resources possible, are described.
机译:沙丁鱼和沙丁鱼是南非中上层渔业的主要目标。该渔业在货币价值上是该国第二大价值渔业,并且按登陆量计算,其年产量最高(近年来,总产量为40万吨)。它是南非主要商业渔业中最具活力的,因为所针对的物种寿命相对较短,通常出现在混合浅滩中,并且丰度波动很大。由于在凤尾鱼导向的渔业中不可避免地出现了幼年的沙丁鱼副渔获物(作为罐头成年,其价值更高),混合浅滩给渔业带来了经营上的问题。这种业务上的互动意味着在两个物种的允许捕捞量之间进行权衡,因此必须将它们一起管理。描述了两个物种联合“管理程序”(sensu IWC)的发展。这提供了一个量化此折衷的框架,但要遵守以下约束:对于任何一种资源,都不会超过可接受的“崩溃”风险水平。描述了在2002年实施的程序的修订版中合并的重要新功能,这些功能大大提高了从资源中捕获的可能性。



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