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Fishing technology in the 21st century: integrating fishing and ecosystem conservation


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(ⅰ) The symposium opened with a session on advances in survey gear, survey technology, and techniques, and it was generally concluded that much work remains to be done in this field. In addition, it was concluded that survey initiators are now being asked to answer an ever-wider range of questions and this, in turn, poses significant challenges to the scientific community. New tools and methodologies are currently under development, and this will help address gaps in our collective knowledge base. (ⅱ) This 2006 symposium focused largely on conservation engineering/gear technology, gear selectivity, and bycatch reduction studies, and the papers falling into this category comprised almost 40% of all submissions. (ⅲ) Despite the number of papers and considerable scientific work in the field of conservation engineering/gear technology, there was general concern over the lack of take-up or implementation of new fishing gears and strategies in commercial fisheries. However, gear technology development and improvement play important roles in sustainable harvesting, and the future challenges are to see their effective and widespread implementation in the commercial fisheries and to encourage development of tools to evaluate their performance. (ⅳ) Considerable effort has been directed towards developing environmentally friendly fishing gears. Many issues remain to be resolved, most notably partial loss of target species, and it is apparent that solutions need to be tailored to individual fisheries. It is also becoming increasingly obvious that expectations of such gears' structure and performance need to be realistic and clearly definable. (ⅴ) Although a number of presentations described and documented new and more sustainable fishing gears or practices, there is a widely held concern about the lack of real and tangible innovation on display. It is not clear if this signals a lack of innovative thinking within the scientific community or merely reflects the widely held belief among managers and regulators that simpler measures, such as area closures or other effort reduction strategies, are better and more effective than so-called "endless tinkering" with gear types.
机译:(ⅰ)专题讨论会以关于测量设备,测量技术和技术的进展的会议开幕,人们普遍得出结论,在这一领域仍有许多工作要做。此外,得出的结论是,现在要求调查发起人回答越来越广泛的问题,这反过来给科学界提出了重大挑战。当前正在开发新的工具和方法,这将有助于解决我们集体知识库中的空白。 (ⅱ)2006年的这个研讨会主要集中于保护工程/齿轮技术,齿轮选择性和副渔获物减少研究,属于这一类别的论文几乎占所有论文的40%。 (ⅲ)尽管在养护工程/齿轮技术领域有许多论文和大量的科学工作,但人们普遍担心在商业性渔业中没有采用或实施新的渔具和战略。然而,渔具技术的发展和改进在可持续捕捞中发挥着重要作用,而未来的挑战是看到其在商业渔业中的有效和广泛实施,并鼓励开发评估其性能的工具。 (ⅳ)在开发环保型渔具方面已作出了相当大的努力。许多问题仍有待解决,最主要的是目标物种的部分丧失,而且很显然,需要针对个别渔业量身定制解决方案。越来越明显的是,对此类齿轮的结构和性能的期望必须现实并且可以明确定义。 (ⅴ)尽管许多介绍都描述和记录了新的和更具可持续性的渔具或作法,但人们普遍担心缺乏实际和有形的创新。尚不清楚这是否表明科学界缺乏创新思维,还是仅反映了管理人员和监管者的普遍信念,即简单的措施(例如封闭区域或其他减少工作量的策略)比所谓的更好和更有效。齿轮类型的“无限修补”。



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