首页> 外文期刊>Hydrological Processes >Comparative application of two mathematical models to predict sedimentation in Yermasoyia Reservoir, Cyprus

Comparative application of two mathematical models to predict sedimentation in Yermasoyia Reservoir, Cyprus


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The Yermasoyia Reservoir is located northeast of the town of Limassol, Cyprus. The storage capacity of the reservoir is 13-6 x 10~6 m~3. The basin area of the Yermasoyia River, which feeds the reservoir, totals 122.5 km~2. This study aims to estimate the mean annual deposition amount in the reservoir, which originates from the corresponding basin. For the estimate of the mean annual sediment inflow into the reservoir, two mathematical models are used alternatively. Each model consists of three submodels: a rainfall-runoff submodel, a soil erosion submodel and a sediment transport submodel for streams. In the first model, the potential evapotranspiration is estimated for the rainfall-runoff submodel, and the soil erosion submodel of Schmidt and the sediment transport submodel of Yang are used. In the second model, the actual evapotranspiration is estimated for the rainfall-runoff submodel, and the soil erosion submodel of Poesen and the sediment transport submodel of Van Rijn are used. The deposition amount in the reservoir is estimated by means of the diagram of Brune, which delivers the trap efficiency of the reservoir. Daily rainfall data from three rainfall stations, and daily values of air temperature, relative air humidity and sunlight hours from a meteorological station for four years (1986-89) were available. The computed annual runoff volumes and mean annual soil erosion rate are compared with the respective measurement data.
机译:Yermasoyia水库位于塞浦路斯利马索尔镇的东北。水库的储水量为13-6 x 10〜6 m〜3。供给水库的耶尔玛索亚河流域总面积为122.5 km〜2。这项研究的目的是估计储层中的平均年沉积量,其源于相应的盆地。为了估算平均每年的沉积物流入水库的流量,可以使用两个数学模型。每个模型都包含三个子模型:降雨径流子模型,土壤侵蚀子模型和河流沉积物运输子模型。在第一个模型中,估计了降雨-径流子模型的潜在蒸散量,并使用了施密特的土壤侵蚀子模型和杨的沉积物迁移子模型。在第二个模型中,估算了降雨-径流子模型的实际蒸散量,并使用了Poesen的水土流失子模型和Van Rijn的输沙子模型。储液器中的沉积量通过Brune图进行估算,该图可提供储液器的捕集效率。可获得三个气象站的每日降雨数据,以及气象站四年(1986-89年)的每日气温,相对空气湿度和日照小时数。将计算出的年径流量和年平均土壤侵蚀率与相应的测量数据进行比较。



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