首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Eleven- and ten-year basic cycles of Lake Baikal spring phytoplankton conformed to solar activity cycles

Eleven- and ten-year basic cycles of Lake Baikal spring phytoplankton conformed to solar activity cycles


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The paper presents an analysis and discussion on a phenomenon of Lake Baikal spring phytoplankton known as ‘melosira years,’ or high-productive years, which are years when spring a psychric set of planktonic algae intensively blooms in the interstitial water within the thawing ice and in the under-ice water. Alternative of these high- and low-productive years is one of greatest baikalian mysteries long attracting researchers’ attention. Analysis of a sequence of high-productive years from 1943 to present, allowed us to reveal 11- and 10-year cycles in long-term dynamics of the Lake Baikal spring phytoplankton. Within these basic cycles we have found enclosed three intervals between high-productive years. Moreover, these intervals being usually 3 and 4 years long became doubled, i.e., 6 and 8 years long, from 1968 to 1990 that equals 22 years in length, or two 11-year fragments. This phenomenon of doubling can be explained in terms of the resonance theory so we consider the ‘melosira years’ phenomenon to be bound up with solar activity, resonantly influencing baikalian phytoplankton. Also we found that Lake Baikal spring phytoplankton skip between their 11- and 10-year cycles in conforming to a current solar activity length.
机译:本文对贝加尔湖春季浮游植物被称为“ melosira年”或高产年的现象进行了分析和讨论。在冰下水中。这些高产和低产年份的替代方案是长期以来引起研究人员关注的最大的白卡利奥式谜团之一。从1943年至今的一系列高产年份的分析使我们得以揭示贝加尔湖春季浮游植物长期动态中的11年和10年周期。在这些基本周期内,我们发现了高产年之间的三个间隔。此外,这些间隔通常为3年和4年,从1968年至1990年翻了一番,即6年和8年,相当于22年的长度或两个11年的碎片。这种加倍现象可以用共振理论来解释,因此我们认为“梅洛西拉年”现象与太阳活动有关,共振地影响了白卡利浮游植物。我们还发现,贝加尔湖的春季浮游植物在其11年和10年周期之间跳跃,以符合当前的太阳活动长度。



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