首页> 外文期刊>Human Studies >The Being, the Origin and the Becoming of Man: A Presentation of Philosophical Anthropogenealogy and Some Ensuing Methodological Considerations

The Being, the Origin and the Becoming of Man: A Presentation of Philosophical Anthropogenealogy and Some Ensuing Methodological Considerations


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In two of the most significant and influential contemporary exponents of German philosophical anthropology, anthropogenetic accounts play a large role. Hans Blumenberg and Peter Sloterdijk have presented their mode of philosophical anthropology as a philosophical anthropogenealogy. To this end both of them have ventured into an alliance with paleoanthropology, incidentally drawing on the same paleoanthropolgist, the forgotten pioneer of philosophical anthropology: Paul Alsberg. Taking this observation as its cue, the article addresses two questions. What are the motives for philosophical anthropology to turn into philosophical anthropogenealogy? What is the methodological status of anthropogenetic accounts in philosophical anthropology? By reflecting on these questions the article aspires to convey a synthesis of themes in contemporary German philosophical anthropology and introduce them especially to an English-speaking audience.
机译:在德国哲学人类学的两个最重要,最有影响力的当代指数中,人类遗传学起着重要作用。汉斯·布伦伯格(Hans Blumenberg)和彼得·斯洛特迪克(Peter Sloterdijk)将他们的哲学人类学模式作为一种哲学人类学。为此,他们俩都冒险与古人类学结盟,顺带吸引了同一位被人类哲学人类学开创的先驱古人类学家保罗·阿尔斯伯格(Paul Alsberg)。以此观察为线索,本文提出了两个问题。哲学人类学转变为哲学人类学的动机是什么?人类学解释在哲学人类学中的方法论地位是什么?通过思考这些问题,本文希望传达当代德国哲学人类学主题的综合,并将其特别介绍给讲英语的听众。



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