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The educational orientation of participants in postgraduate managerial study programmes in Poland


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The purpose of the study was to identify and describe factors influencing the type of education pursued by those engaged in postgraduate managerial studies and their pro-education orientation. The research employed a questionnaire constructed by the author in addition to other tools (Osgood, Suci, and Tannenbaum 1957; Rokeach 1972; Davis 1975). The results obtained suggest that the majority of those engaged in postgraduate managerial studies have a clear vision of their development and positively evaluate their educational and professional experience and their intellectual skills. Postgraduate studies and other forms of education are perceived as a means to achieving professional goals. An attempt was also made to present a typology of educational behaviour, based on the results of the research. The factors responsible for pro-educational orientation are connected, above all, with one's profession and professional experience, the position one holds, his or her material status, gender, hierarchy of values and creativity. The study supported the conclusion that in order to develop managers' pro-educational orientation, cooperation between universities and the business environment in developing new educational programmes and propagating investing in human capital is required. Particular emphasis should be put on developing an educational orientation among university students, particularly on their creating their own vision of intellectual development.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定和描述影响从事研究生管理研究的人所追求的教育类型的因素及其职业倾向。该研究除其他工具外还使用了由作者构建的问卷(Osgood,Suci和Tannenbaum 1957; Rokeach 1972; Davis 1975)。获得的结果表明,大多数从事研究生管理研究的人对他们的发展抱有清晰的愿景,并积极评价他们的教育和专业经验以及他们的智力技能。研究生学习和其他形式的教育被视为实现专业目标的一种手段。根据研究结果,还试图提出一种教育行为类型学。导致受教育取向的因素首先与一个人的职业和专业经验,一个职位,他或她的物质地位,性别,价值等级和创造力有关。该研究支持以下结论:为了发展管理者的职业教育取向,需要大学与商业环境之间的合作来开发新的教育计划并促进对人力资本的投资。应特别强调在大学生中发展教育取向,特别是在他们创造自己的智力发展愿景方面。



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