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Like Father, Like Daughter


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Janis O'Neill-Scherer willingly admits it: "For design, I still need his opinion." It has been more than 32 years since O'Neill-Scherer opened her own luxury linens and accessories shop in Windsor, Ontario. And for 22 of those years she has been sole owner and operator, after buying out her partners. And in that time, she certainly has curated her own signature sense of style and decor, earned a reputation as an industry expert, and cultivated a growing client base spanning two generations of shoppers. "Of course, I can help a client find and create what they need," she explained. "With interior designers, I know to help up to a point. I work with them enough so that I don't step on their toes. And I help by offering the best linens. My customers know what we carry here is top-notch and today's look."
机译:贾尼斯·奥尼尔·谢勒(Janis O'Neill-Scherer)乐于承认:“对于设计,我仍然需要他的意见。”自O'Neill-Scherer在安大略省温莎市开设自己的豪华床单和配饰商店至今已有32年多了。在买断合作伙伴之后的22年中,她一直是唯一的所有者和经营者。在那段时间里,她当然已经树立了自己独特的风格和装饰感,赢得了行业专家的声誉,并培养了跨越两代购物者的不断增长的客户群。她说:“当然,我可以帮助客户找到并创造他们所需要的东西。” “有了室内设计师,我知道会有所帮助。我与他们合作足够,所以我不会踩他们的脚。而且,我会提供最好的床单来帮助。我的客户知道我们在这里的服务是一流的和今天的样子。”



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