
The New CEPA


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With Bill C-32, Canada's feder-al government nears the end of the long and controversial process of substantially amending its Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). It's the government's second attempt, the first having died with the last election. The bill—as presented to the House of Commons last April for first and second reading—appeared to balance competing business and environmental protection interests. After second reading, it went to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (currently chaired by Charles Caccia). It's rumored that Environment Minister Christine Stewart and various Liberal committee members heavily debated and sorted out disagreements over committee changes behind the scenes. In the bill reported back to Parliament, many points raised by the environmental lobby were added. Despite controversy, many of these points remain in Bill C-32 as it was amended, passed by the House, and is currently (at press time) in the Senate. The legislation is expected to pass either very shortly or following the summer recess.
机译:有了C-32法案,加拿大联邦政府就结束了对其加拿大《环境保护法》(CEPA)进行大量修改的漫长而有争议的过程。这是政府的第二次尝试,第一次是在上次选举中死亡。该法案于去年四月提交下议院进行一读和二读,其目的是平衡竞争的商业利益和环境保护利益。经过二读后,它进入了环境与可持续发展常设委员会(目前由查尔斯·卡恰主持)。有传言称,环境部长克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Christine Stewart)和自由党的许多成员都在激烈地辩论并解决了有关幕后委员会变更的分歧。在向议会报告的法案中,增加了环保游说团提出的许多要点。尽管存在争议,但这些要点中的许多仍然保留在C-32法案中,当时已由众议院通过,目前(在发稿时)已提交参议院。预计该立法将在短期或夏季休会后通过。



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