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The Global Chemical Village


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The U.N. has endorsed a global classification system for chemicals. It asks every country to implement it by 2008. WHMIS is headed for an overhaul. The village has gone global. With the click of a button, e-mails are sent to colleagues in the United Kingdom. An hour or two each week are spent instant messaging children away at university. And purchasing goods and services online is a booming business. Cell phones, Blackberries, satellites and their invisible wires have brought people, places, goods and services closer than ever before. The global village — a term media visionary Marshall McLuhan once coined to describe the impact of modern communications — is filled with immediacy, convenience and no real need to get off the couch. But it's also a village filled with chemicals that can be hazardous to human health and the environment.
机译:联合国已经批准了全球化学品分类制度。它要求每个国家在2008年之前实施它。WHMIS即将进行大修。这个村庄已经遍布全球。只需单击一个按钮,电子邮件就会发送给英国的同事。每周花一两个小时在大学里给孩子们即时消息。在线购买商品和服务是一项蓬勃发展的业务。手机,黑莓,卫星及其看不见的电线使人们,地点,商品和服务比以往任何时候都更加紧密。这个地球村是一个有远见的媒体家马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的用语,用来形容现代通信的影响,这个村子充满了即时性,便利性,没有真正的上床需求。但这也是一个充满化学物质的村庄,会对人类健康和环境造成危害。



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