首页> 外文期刊>Hansa >Towards the development of dynamic stability criteria

Towards the development of dynamic stability criteria


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Recent investigations have shown a demand for the introduction of additional criteria to the IMO-intact stability code, accounting for dynamic phenomana related to the behaviour of ships in rough weather. The general need for such kind of critera arises due to the fact that actual ship designs suffer from specific phenomena in rough weather that did not occur at those designs which were relevant when the intact stability code was developed. This paper suggests a structure for these dynamic criteria and within this proposed strucure, one set of criteria will account for a mimimum stability limit re-quiredto ensure that these minimum stability standards will provide the ships with sufficient safety. For the development of thisproposed set of criteria, validated tools and procedures are used that have been successfully used to design ships with-sufficient safety on one hand and without any competitive disadvantage on the other.



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