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Internet Multiattribute Group Decision Support in Electronic Commerce


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The rapid growth of the Internet has provided the means for distributed organizational decision making for electronic commerce. Members of organizations can jointly investigate products, exchange information, and make decisions online from remote sites. Internet-based multiattribute group decision making is characterized by three aspects, (ⅰ) individual interactive decision making, (ⅱ) communication means, and (ⅲ) group consensus reaching. The purpose of this research was to study the role of communication and individual decision strategies and their influence on multiattribute group decision making and consensus reaching in organizational electronic commerce settings. The results of this study indicate that analytic decision support is indispensable in collaborative Internet-based decision making, that a perfect match of analytic decision support and communication channels must be achieved, and that efficiency of individual decision support should be compromised for higher confidence in the group's decisions. The results of this study also confirm findings by Haeubl and Trifts (2000) that interactive decision analytic support has positive effects on the quality and efficiency of individual decision making, and findings by Limayem and DeSanctis (2000) and Todd and Benbesat (2000), that decision makers will use normative decision models if they require little effort and if decisional guidance is provided. The conclusion drawn from this study is that the continuously evolving Internet technology for collaborative decision making is only one aspect for better organizational decision making - the crucial aspect, however, will be the development and optimal integration of analytic decision models, communication channels, and consensus reaching mechanisms.
机译:互联网的快速发展为电子商务的分布式组织决策提供了手段。组织成员可以共同研究产品,交换信息并从远程站点在线做出决策。基于Internet的多属性小组决策具有三个方面的特征:(ⅰ)个人交互决策,(ⅱ)交流方式和(ⅲ)达成小组共识。这项研究的目的是研究沟通和个人决策策略的作用,以及它们在组织电子商务环境中对多属性小组决策和达成共识的影响。这项研究的结果表明,在基于Internet的协作决策中分析决策支持是必不可少的,必须实现分析决策支持和沟通渠道的完美匹配,并且应牺牲个人决策支持的效率以增强对决策的信心。小组的决定。这项研究的结果还证实了Haeubl和Trifts(2000)的发现,即交互式决策分析支持对个人决策的质量和效率具有积极影响; Limayem和DeSanctis(2000)以及Todd和Benbesat(2000)的发现,如果决策者需要很少的努力并且提供了决策指导,他们将使用规范性决策模型。这项研究得出的结论是,用于协作决策的不断发展的Internet技术只是更好的组织决策的一个方面-但是,至关重要的方面将是分析决策模型,沟通渠道和共识的发展和最佳集成。到达机制。



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