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Putting sexuality (back) into HIV/AIDS: Issues, theory and practice


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After more than twenty years of programming and activism aimed at stemming the sexual transmission of HIV (and addressing the needs of those most vulnerable to infection) the HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to grow worldwide. Taking up this concern, this paper argues that one of the reasons why HIV prevention has had limited success is because of inadequate conceptualization of human sexuality in such work. Giving sexuality a more prominent position in responses to the epidemic raises a range of issues, including theorization of gender, understanding of sexual subjectivity, the significance of pleasure (or lack of pleasure) in sexual decision-making, and conceptualization of sexual behaviour and culture. Taking these themes forward entails asking significant questions about the underlying paradigmatic and methodological commitments of mainstream HIV/AIDS research, especially the tendency to reproduce accounts of human sexuality as if it were a measurable form of conduct only. Advocating new approaches that take the meaning and symbolic value of sexualities into account complicates established orthodoxies in the field whilst offering potential for more effective HIV prevention strategies.
机译:经过二十多年的计划和行动,旨在遏制艾滋病毒的性传播(并满足最易感染者的需求),艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行在全球范围内继续增长。考虑到这一问题,本文认为,预防艾滋病毒的成功有限的原因之一是由于在此类工作中对人类性行为的概念不足。在应对流行病时赋予性欲更突出的地位引起了一系列问题,包括性别理论化,对性主观性的理解,愉悦(或缺乏愉悦)在性决策中的重要性以及性行为和文化的概念化。推进这些主题需要对主流的HIV / AIDS研究的基本范式和方法学承诺提出重大问题,特别是倾向于重现人类性行为,就好像它只是一种可测量的行为形式一样。倡导将性的意义和象征价值纳入考虑范围的新方法,会使该领域已确立的正统观念变得复杂,同时为更有效的艾滋病毒预防策略提供潜力。



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