首页> 外文期刊>Global public health >Evaluation of a network of medical abortion providers in two districts of Maharashtra, India

Evaluation of a network of medical abortion providers in two districts of Maharashtra, India


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The objective of this study was to examine experiences and service delivery of private medical doctors participating in a professional network designed to improve knowledge and service quality of medical abortion (MA) procedures. A cross-sectional assessment of 87 Medical Abortion Provider Network (MAPnet) participants was conducted between December 2006 and January 2007 to describe participants' service delivery and network experiences. After participating in MAPnet, providers reported a statistically significant amount of more MA services (92%), national protocol adherence for timing of drug administration (93%) and drug dosage protocols (82%>) when compared to their reports before MAPnet affiliation. In addition, MAPnet providers offered contraceptive counselling (100%) and pain management (54%). Nearly three-quarters of providers were interested in continuing their association with the network initiatives. However, the network failed to adequately facilitate internetwork sharing of knowledge and experiences. These findings suggest that establishing and nurturing a network of private medical doctors can improve availability and quality of safe and early abortion services through MA.



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