首页> 外文期刊>Global public health >'Low-hanging fruit': Counting and accounting for children in PEPFAR-funded HIV/AIDS programmes in South Africa

'Low-hanging fruit': Counting and accounting for children in PEPFAR-funded HIV/AIDS programmes in South Africa

机译:“悬而未决的成果”:南非PEPFAR资助的HIV / AIDS计划中的儿童计数和核算

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The article traces the social life of a policy that aimed to define and circumscribe the ambiguous and contested category of 'orphaned and vulnerable children' (or OVC) in South Africa at the height of the 'emergency response' to HIV/AIDS, brewing on several months of institutional ethnographic research conducted over the course of five years with South African organisations receiving funding from the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief to provide services to 'OVC, the project interrogates the influence of governmental forms of counting and accounting on health policy and practice in South Africa. Focusing on the experiences of one organisation, the article describes a process of policy 'translation' typified by a series of disconnects between the intentions of a policy and the exigencies of implementation, structured by the ambiguous and flexible nature of the 'OVC category. In this context, the article argues that the uncertainty produced by the implementation of the guidelines was not simply an artefact of a poorly designed policy, but rather signals an underlying epistemological tension in the practice of 'global health', in which quantitative metrics designed for monitoring and evaluation are often incapable of approximating the complexities of everyday life.
机译:这篇文章追溯了旨在界定和限制南非对“孤儿和弱势儿童”(或OVC)的模棱两可和有争议的类别的政策的社会生活。在过去的五年中,南非组织进行了几个月的民族志研究,接受了美国总统艾滋病紧急救援计划的资助,以向'OVC'提供服务,该项目询问了政府计数和核算形式对卫生政策的影响和南非的实践。本文着眼于一个组织的经验,描述了政策“翻译”的过程,其特征是政策意图与执行紧急情况之间存在一系列脱节,这由“ OVC”类别的模棱两可和灵活性质构成。在这种情况下,文章认为,实施指导方针所产生的不确定性不仅仅是设计不当的政策的产物,而是预示着“全球卫生”实践中潜在的认识论张力,其中定量指标旨在监视和评估通常无法近似日常生活的复杂性。



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