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Glacier change in Garibaldi Provincial Park, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, since the Little Ice Age


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Fluctuations of glaciers during the 20th century in Garibaldi Provincial Park, in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia, were reconstructed from historical documents, aerial photographs, and fieldwork. Over 505 km~2, or 26%, of the park, was covered by glacier ice at the beginning of the 18th century. Ice cover decreased to 297 km~2 by 1987-1988 and to 245 km~2 (49% of the early 18th century value) by 2005. Glacier recession was greatest between the 1920s and 1950s, with typical frontal retreat rates of 30 m/a. Many glaciers advanced between the 1960s and 1970s, but all glaciers retreated over the last 20 years. Times of glacier recession coincide with warm and relatively dry periods, whereas advances occurred during relatively cold periods. Rapid recession between 1925 and 1946, and since 1977, coincided with the positive phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), whereas glaciers advanced during its negative phase (1890-1924 and 1947-1976). The record of 20th century glacier fluctuations in Garibaldi Park is similar to that in southern Europe, South America, and New Zealand, suggesting a common, global climatic cause. We conclude that global temperature change in the 20th century explains much of the behaviour of glaciers in Garibaldi Park and elsewhere.
机译:根据历史文献,航拍照片和实地考察,重建了20世纪不列颠哥伦比亚省南部沿海山脉加里波第省立公园的冰川波动。 18世纪初,超过505 km〜2,即公园的26%,被冰川冰覆盖。到1987年至1988年,冰盖减少至297 km〜2,到2005年降至245 km〜2(为18世纪初的49%)。冰川衰退在1920年代至1950年代之间最大,典型的退缩速度为30 m /一个。许多冰川在1960年代至1970年代之间发展,但在过去20年中所有冰川都退缩了。冰川退缩的时期与温暖和相对干燥的时期相吻合,而在相对寒冷的时期则发生了退缩。 1925年至1946年以及1977年以来的快速衰退与太平洋年代际涛动(PDO)的正相吻合,而冰川在其负相(1890-1924和1947-1976)时则呈上升趋势。加里波第公园(Garibaldi Park)的20世纪冰川波动记录与南欧,南美和新西兰相似,表明这是全球共同的气候原因。我们得出的结论是,二十世纪的全球温度变化解释了加里波第公园和其他地方的冰川行为。



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