首页> 外文期刊>Geotechnique >Effect of strength non-homogeneity on the shape of failure envelopes for combined loading of strip and circular foundations on clay

Effect of strength non-homogeneity on the shape of failure envelopes for combined loading of strip and circular foundations on clay


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The capacity of surface foundations on clay under pure vertical (V), horizontal (H) or moment (M) loading may be expressed in non-dimensional form through the use of appropriate bearing capacity factors, with values that will be affected by the shape of the foundation and also any variation of undrained shear strength with depth. A common assumption has then been that the shape of the complete failure envelope in three-dimensional loading space (V, M, H) will be similar regardless of foundation shape and soil non-homogeneity, once scaled to the appropriate apex points. The appropriateness of this assumption has been explored by means of two- and three-dimensional finite element analyses of strip and circular footings, for a simple Tresca soil model where the shear strength varies linearly with depth. With a view to applications involving partially embedded foundations, such as offshore skirted foundations, full suction and 'bonding' with the underlying soil has been assumed. The paper documents the normalised capacities under uniaxial (y, M or H) loading, and compares the shapes of the failure envelopes in the three planes H = 0, M = 0 and V = 0 for a practical range of strength gradients. The broad conclusion is that a single shape does indeed hold in the M = 0 plane, for both strip and circular foundations, but that for the H = 0 and V = 0 planes the overall size of the normalised failure envelope reduces as the degree of strength non-homogeneity increases. Hence the assumption of a failure envelope shape derived for homogeneous strength conditions would be unconserva-tive.
机译:通过使用适当的承载力系数,可以用无量纲形式表示纯垂直(V),水平(H)或弯矩(M)荷载下粘土表面地基的承载力,其值会受形状的影响基础的强度以及不排水抗剪强度随深度的变化。一个普遍的假设是,一旦按比例缩放到适当的顶点,则在三维荷载空间(V,M,H)中完整的破坏包络的形状将是相似的,而不管基础形状和土壤是否不均匀。对于带状和圆形基础的二维和三维有限元分析,对于简单的Tresca土模型,其抗剪强度随深度呈线性变化,已经探索了这种假设的适用性。考虑到涉及部分埋入式地基的应用,例如海上裙式地基,已经假定完全吸水和与下面的土壤“粘结”。该文件记录了在单轴(y,M或H)载荷下的归一化容量,并针对实际范围的强度梯度比较了三个平面H = 0,M = 0和V = 0时的破坏包络形状。广泛的结论是,对于条形和圆形基础,单个形状的确确实存在于M = 0平面中,但是对于H = 0和V = 0平面,归一化破坏包络线的整体尺寸随高度的减小而减小。强度非均质性增加。因此,对于均匀强度条件得出的破坏包络线形状的假设将是不保守的。



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