首页> 外文期刊>Geotechnical testing journal >Evaluation and Application of the Transient-Pulse Technique for Determining the Hydraulic Properties of Low-Permeability Rocks--Part 1: Theoretical Evaluation

Evaluation and Application of the Transient-Pulse Technique for Determining the Hydraulic Properties of Low-Permeability Rocks--Part 1: Theoretical Evaluation


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The transient-pulse technique is a well-established laboratory mehod for determining the eprmeability of hydruaulically tight rocks. Although graphical solutions to this test make it possible to evaluate both the permeability and the specific storage of a rock specimen, the attendant procedures are relatively complicated. Often, the expression introducted by Brace et al. (1968) is typically used to interpret the experimental results and arrive at a value for permeability only. In Par 1 of this study, the general solution for the transient-pulse test is extended to consider quantitatively the transient distributions of hydraulic head and hydraulic gradient within the specimen and to examine the validity of using the solution presented by Brace et al. (1968) under these conditions.
机译:瞬变脉冲技术是用于确定水密岩石的渗透性的成熟实验室方法。尽管该测试的图形化解决方案可以评估岩石样品的渗透率和具体储量,但伴随的过程却相对复杂。通常,这种表达是由Brace等人引入的。 (1968)通常用于解释实验结果,并仅得出渗透率值。在这项研究的第1部分中,扩展了瞬态脉冲测试的一般解决方案,以定量地考虑样本中水头的瞬时分布和水力梯度,并检验使用Brace等人提出的解决方案的有效性。 (1968)在这些条件下。



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