首页> 外文期刊>Geotechnical testing journal >Effects of Testing Procedures on the Laboratory Determination of Swell Pressure of Expansive Soils

Effects of Testing Procedures on the Laboratory Determination of Swell Pressure of Expansive Soils


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There is lack of agreement on laboratory procedures that should be used to measure swell pressure. In this study, effects of apparatus compressibility and applied initial net normal stress on measured swell pressure were revisited, with emphasis on undisturbed specimens. Samples covering a wide range of properties were collected from Texas and Arizona, and effects were explored by examination for consistency of trends in behavior for several "companion" sets of undisturbed specimens. Failure to account for apparatus compressibility results in unintended swell of the specimen, reducing the constant volume swell pressure by as much as half for specimens of this study. Applied initial net normal stress level also affects measured swell pressure. For specimens of this study, swell pressures measured at low initial net normal stress (token load) were found to be about 40%, on average, of swell pressures measured for specimens loaded initially equivalent to field overburden stress. This difference is believed to be primarily due to initial specimen compression. Commonly adopted sampling disturbance corrections to constant volume tests conducted at initial light confining stress (~ 1-7 kPa) were investigated, and found to give inconsistent values of swell pressure. Comparisons of constant volume to load-back swell pressure are also presented. Findings suggest that application of an initial confining stress level corresponding to field conditions and application of apparatus compressibility corrections as the swell pressure develops are key to the consistent measurement of constant volume swell pressure, and that measured swell pressures from constant volume tests, when carefully performed, are more consistent than swell pressures estimated using methods to account for sampling disturbance.
机译:对于应用于测量膨胀压力的实验室程序,尚无共识。在这项研究中,重新考察了设备的可压缩性和施加的初始净法向应力对测得的溶胀压力的影响,重点是不受干扰的标本。从得克萨斯州和亚利桑那州收集了涵盖广泛特性的样本,并通过检查几组“同伴”未受扰动样本的行为趋势的一致性来探索效果。无法考虑设备的可压缩性会导致样品意外膨胀,从而使本研究样品的恒定体积膨胀压力降低多达一半。施加的初始净法向应力水平也会影响测得的膨胀压力。对于本研究的样品,发现在较低的初始净法向应力(令牌载荷)下测得的膨胀压力平均约为最初与现场上覆应力相等的样品测得的膨胀压力的40%。认为该差异主要是由于初始样品压缩所致。对在初始光限制应力(〜1-7 kPa)下进行的恒定体积测试的常用采样扰动校正进行了研究,发现膨胀压力值不一致。还介绍了恒定体积与回弹膨胀压力的比较。研究结果表明,随着膨胀压力的发展,施加与现场条件相对应的初始约束应力水平和应用设备可压缩性校正,这是恒定测量恒定体积膨胀压力的关键,并且在仔细执行时从恒定体积测试中测量膨胀压力与使用用于说明采样干扰的方法估算的膨胀压力相比,,更加一致。



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