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A history of basin inversion, scarp retreat and shallow denudation: The Araripe basin as a keystone for understanding long-term landscape evolution in NE Brazil


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At the border between the states of Ceara and Pernambuco (northeast Brazil), the Chapada do Araripe is a high plateau (800-1000 m a.s.I.) formed by a slab of Cenomanian fluvial sandstone. This caprock is underlain by lacustrine or marine Albian layers and older rift deposits. During the Cretaceous, the Araripe basin lay at a palaeoelevation close to sea-level. Through a presentation and discussion of original field and cartographic data we analyse the mechanisms of topographic inversion in this sedimentary basin in relation to local or regional crustal upwarp. The contrast between the plateau a weakly dissected structural surface and the surrounding lowlands is explained through a study of the erosional scarps cuesta-like landforms and their outliers that fringe the Chapada. No evidence of local tectonic inversion is found. River incision, spring sapping, landslides and other forms of mass movement are listed as efficient processes of topographic inversion and scarp retreat, the rates and patterns of which appear to be controlled by lithological contrasts and conditions of exhumation of the basement. Geometric relationships with regional stepped surfaces (e.g., the low-elevation Sertaneja Surface), exhumed palaeosurfaces and regional drainage systems are analysed. Our estimation of the amplitude of denudation and topographic inversion (0.6-0.7 km) differs significantly from apatite fission-track-derived estimates reported in recent literature, which would imply burial by considerable thicknesses of younger sediments followed by 1.5 km or more of post-rift denudation not just in the study area, but also in the Tucano-Jatoba basin to the south. The exhumation and reworking of surrounding basement surfaces probably began during the early Cenozoic, as shown to the northwest of the Chapada by the presence of widespread laterites of probable Palaeogene age. A second stage of topographic inversion occurred during the Oligocene or later. This would correspond to the major stages of river incision, partial planation and basin inversion. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在塞阿拉州和伯南布哥州(巴西东北部)之间的边界处,查帕达·杜·阿里瑞普(Chapada do Araripe)是由切诺曼尼亚河床砂岩平板形成的高原(800-1000 m a.s.I.)。这个盖层被湖相或海洋阿尔比层和较旧的裂谷沉积物所覆盖。在白垩纪时期,Araripe盆地位于靠近海平面的古海拔。通过对原始田野和制图数据的介绍和讨论,我们分析了该沉积盆地中地形反演与局部或区域地壳隆升有关的机制。通过对侵蚀性陡坡丘斯塔斯样地形及其边缘分布在恰帕达河边缘的研究,可以解释高原,薄弱的结构表面与周围低地之间的对比。没有发现局部构造反转的证据。河流切口,春季流失,滑坡和其他形式的群众运动被列为地形倒置和陡坡退缩的有效过程,其速度和模式似乎受岩性对比和基底挖掘的条件控制。分析了与区域阶梯表面(例如低海拔的Sertaneja曲面),掘出的古地表和区域排水系统的几何关系。我们对剥蚀和地形反转幅度(0.6-0.7 km)的估计与最近文献中报道的磷灰石裂变径迹的估计存在显着差异,这意味着在埋藏较厚的年轻沉积物之后再埋藏1.5 km或更多裂谷剥蚀不仅在研究区域,而且在南部的Tucano-Jatoba盆地。如在查帕达(Capada)的西北部,可能存在古近纪年龄的广泛红土的存在,表明了对地下基底表面的挖掘和改造可能始于新生代。渐新世或更晚时期发生了地形反转的第二阶段。这将与河流切割,部分平面化和流域倒置的主要阶段相对应。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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